Collaboration Opportunities

Aufero welcomes the establishment of close partnerships with various collaborators to co-create the future. Whether you are a manufacturer, distributor, educational institution, or creative studio, we look forward to collaborating with you for shared success.

Distributor Collaboration

If you are interested in becoming a distributor of our products, please contact our collaboration team, and we will provide you with competitive collaboration plans.

Educational Institution Collaboration

Aufero is keen to support education. We invite collaborations with schools and educational institutions to provide students with innovative laser engraving experiences.

Creative Studio Collaboration

Creative studios are hubs of innovation, and Aufero welcomes collaboration with you to foster the prosperity of the creative industry.

  • Advanced Technology

    Aufero possesses leading laser engraving technology, providing partners with advanced and reliable products and solutions.

  • Customization Support

    Understanding the unique needs of each partner, we offer personalized support and solutions to meet the diverse business requirements of our collaborators.

  • Market Promotion

    Aufero will engage in joint market promotion with collaborators, providing comprehensive support to help partners succeed in the market.


If you are interested in collaborating with Aufero or have other collaboration proposals, please contact our collaboration team through the following channels.

Collaboration Email:

We look forward to collaborating with you to create a brighter future together.

Online Message

If you have any comments, suggestions, or feedback, you can also reach us through the online form below. We look forward to hearing from you and creating a brighter tomorrow together.

Contact form